The Butterfly and the Wind: A Spiritual Story of Trusting the Unknown


Fear, worry, uncertainty—how many of us are overwhelmed by these emotions daily, believing that controlling every aspect of our lives
and those around us will guarantee safety and security?

As September slipped by, I noticed a recurring theme as I spoke to friends, family members, and clients:

the more we try to hold on, the more elusive peace becomes.

It’s as if control offers a false sense of security, trapping us in a cycle of anxiety and frustration.

This reminds me of an old fable I heard years ago about a young woman named Ahe, whose name means ‘soft blowing breeze.’ Yet despite her gentle name, Ahe lived in a constant state of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty.

She worried obsessively—about everything. Her mind was either stuck in the past or racing into the future, rarely settling in the present moment. This caused her to grip tightly onto life, preventing her from trusting in anything beyond her control.

Although Ahe longed to find peace and trust in God to guide her, fear prevented her from letting go — until the day she came across an unexpected teacher: a beautiful blue butterfly with wings trimmed in black.

One day, as Ahe strolled through the valley, her mind was once again consumed by the familiar emotions that overwhelmed and stole her
peace — fear, anxiety, and worry — until she came upon a butterfly perched on a leaf struggling against the wind.

As she watched the butterfly desperately holding on as the wind intensified, Ahe feared that exhaustion would overpower and damage the butterfly’s delicate wings.

A feeling she was all too familiar with as the butterfly fought hard not to lose control. Then, in an instant, everything changed.

The butterfly released her hold on the leaf, opened her wings wide, and allowed the wind to carry her as she soared effortlessly through the sky.

As she watched the butterfly soar, she felt a stirring deep within hera quiet invitation to release her fears and embrace the flow of life, just as the butterfly did.

In the following days, Ahe couldn’t stop thinking about the butterfly, reflecting deeply on what she witnessed. And she wondered,

“What if I let go like the butterfly?” she thought.
“Is that how I’ll find peace?”

As she recalled the delicate creature floating effortlessly with the wind, not fighting it but embracing it, she couldn’t help but feel it symbolized trust in something much greater.

The beautiful butterfly became a symbol of transformation for her — a reminder that surrendering to the flow of life wasn’t a loss of control
but rather a deep act of faith.

It was about trusting in the unseen, the unknown, just as the wind carried the butterfly to new heights; God would carry her to where she was meant to be, and she could relax knowing that she was safe.

How tight is your grip on life? Are you afraid to relax and allow life to flow? Do you trust in God, knowing there’s already a blueprint for your
life, and allow Him to orchestrate the details?

Or do you find yourself resisting, remaining trapped in a cycle of fear, worry, and anxiety about the future?

Psychologist Carl Jung once said, “What you resist, persists.” He believed that when we fight against the natural flow of life and cling to control, we create the very experiences we want to avoid.

The energy we send into the universe — positive or negative — comes back to us. So, if we project fear, anxiety, and uncertainty, we’ll attract more experiences to reinforce that same energy. This is considered universal law.

Trust. It’s a simple, one-syllable word with immense power, yet many of us struggle to fully embrace it in our daily lives. But like any change,
awareness is the first step toward progress.

When fear, anxiety, frustration, or uncertainty creep in, take a moment to pause, breathe, and return to the present. Then, let go, trusting and allowing your angels or higher guidance to handle the details.


Just like the butterfly, we can either resist the wind or open ourselves to the possibility that the unknown might carry us higher than we ever imagined.

And when we choose trust over fear, we discover the beauty and grace of letting go.

Get a taste of Brenda's new book, Courageously Authentic: A Women’s Guide to Transform Pain into Power, Fear into Courage, Dreams into Reality. Download a free chapter and let her show you the keys to start unlocking your full potential to live the life you desire.