Wisdom Across Decades: Advice to My Twenty-Year-Old Self


Recently, I had the privilege of attending a gathering of women over fifty. The conversations flowed from different topics as they openly shared their professions, backgrounds, and life experiences.

As the evening progressed, one guest asked,

“If you were twenty years old again, what advice would you give yourself?”

The room fell momentarily silent, and then slowly, answers started to flow. As I listened to the exchange, a resounding theme emerged…

The importance of taking time to live YOUR life the way YOU want to live it.

This pearl of wisdom, ‘take time to live YOUR life the way YOU want to live it,’ may seem straightforward at first glance, but it holds profound layers of complexity that require introspection and self-awareness to appreciate fully.

This advice underscores the significance of authenticity and self-discovery. It encourages individuals to liberate themselves from societal norms, familial expectations, and the pursuit of external validation.

However, beneath this seemingly simple directive lies a depth of intricacy.

One aspect of this complexity involves having the courage to identify your desires, passions, and personal definitions of success and happiness rather than conforming to societal expectations or following paths dictated by others.

Another important aspect is prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, and investing time wisely in activities that bring us joy and growth.

It also involves embracing uncertainty, being open to exploration, and seeing failure as an opportunity for learning.

But, for twenty-year-olds, this wisdom goes much deeper because they haven’t lived and experienced what we have at the age of fifty or older yet.

I thought about this question after leaving the networking event. If I could share my wisdom with my twenty-year-old, it would be this:

  1. Perfection is an illusion; striving for it only brings you frustration, disappointment, and exhaustion. It robs you of your peace and happiness.
  2. Love your Imperfections. They are opportunities to grow and learn new things. Having a healthy perspective leads to more rewarding experiences.
  3. Live for Today. Be happy. Have fun. Live Life. Life goes by so quickly. Worrying about tomorrow or dwelling on the past only leads to anxiety, regret, and missed opportunities to live life fully.
  4. Love Yourself Unconditionally. Be kind and patient with yourself. Refrain from negative self-talk and judgments. Instead, be compassionate and know that you are ENOUGH and WORTHY of happiness.
  5. Embrace Your Authenticity. You be you! Don’t allow society to influence or dictate who you need to be. True happiness comes from within and by staying true to yourself.
  6. Be Self-Sufficient. Be able to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and financially.
  7. Prioritize Self-Care. Nurture your body and mind. Don’t take your health for granted.
  8. Take Risks. Don’t let fear prevent you from pursuing new adventures. Courageously step out of your comfort zone and embrace the experiences life has to offer.
  9. Build Meaningful Relationships. Dedicate the time to build healthy relationships that bring you love, happiness, and support.
  10. Grow Older Gracefully. As you age, embrace the changes you’ll experience in your body, mind, and spirit. Love your wrinkles and graying hair, for they show the wisdom, dignity, and confidence you have acquired throughout the years.

As we age, we realize life is precious. It’s about embracing who we are, living in the moment, and caring for ourselves. So, whether you’re twenty or fifty, remember to love yourself, take risks, and cherish every moment.

Now, I’ll pose the same question to you,

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your twenty-year-old self?

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